Service Station and Coffee Shop, Hervey Bay

Ray Group Pty Ltd
July 2020
Hervey Bay, Queensland
Engaged by Ray Group to provide traffic engineering services, this commission comprised the preparation of a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) to accompany a Development Application to the City of Gold Coast Council to establish a proposed mixed-use development comprising a Mobil Service Station and Zarraffas Coffee at 12 - 14 Boat Harbour Drive, Pialba, Hervey Bay.
Prepared in accordance with the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), Guide to Traffic Impact Assessment, a TIA report was prepared that considered the surrounding existing road network, public and active transport, car and bicycle parking requirements, site ingress and egress, site servicing, refuse arrangements, as well as analysis of the developments traffic generating characteristics.
A comprehensive TIA report was prepared, including responses to both Council and State Government development codes, as the development proposed access via the State-controlled road network. The TIA report was accepted without question by both Council and State government agencies with no further information sought through the Request for Information process, enabling a rapid assessment and approval process for our client.